How to Cultivate and Celebrate Self-Love Through the Foods You Eat

How to Cultivate and Celebrate Self-Love Through the Foods You Eat

It’s no secret that what we put into our bodies can profoundly affect our overall health and well-being. This past holiday, I’ve eaten so many delicious treats, and I loved every bit of it! But I’m not gonna lie, my body is screaming, “Aren’t you done yet, sis? DAMN!” There’s no shame in what I’ve done. Nope . . . zilch. However, I do realize that the nourishment I give myself goes beyond simply eating healthy or unhealthy foods – it’s also about taking the time to appreciate and celebrate our unique selves. I love myself with each dish I cook and each bite I take because that is what my body needs in those moments. I shelve the words “healthy” and “unhealthy” because I don’t need the shame that goes along with them. So to answer my body, no, I’m not finished. I will continue to cultivate and celebrate self-love through the foods I eat, and I’m going to show you how to do the same.

Why Self-Love?

Because without it, self-care means nothing. 

Self-love in the morning
Photo by Carli Jeen

I had a problem understanding the difference between self-love and self-care until I met Paul Fishman, a self-love coach and “you do you” activist. He explained that most people gravitate toward self-care because it’s tangible. You’ve heard the term “Self-Care Sunday.” It’s what some might use as a label for getting your drink on with friends, getting a massage, or getting your hair and nails “did.” Those things are physical acts.

Self-love is an emotional act. Paul goes on to say, “It’s about the individual and devotion you give to that individuality.” When we try to practice self-care without self-love, we work toward destruction. I’ve treated myself to an expensive brunch with friends before, having mimosas and desserts, and felt guilty for doing it. In the back of my mind, I’d say to myself, “What are you doing? You don’t need to put this into your body. You’re getting fatter and should be eating healthier.” And there it is . . . that “should” word. Too busy should-ing all over myself, I lost the enjoyment of saying instead, “I’m so glad I am doing this for myself right now.” Do you see the difference?

Why Food and Cooking Matter?

Now that you can decipher the two, how does cooking fit into cultivating and celebrating self-love? It’s one of those emotional acts I mentioned earlier. It’s an act of love! You enjoy gifts, right? Who doesn’t? 

  • Cooking for yourself gives you the opportunity to show appreciation for all the hard work that goes into making something delicious. The gorgeous plate of bountifulness you created with your own hands is a true gift to yourself. And aren’t you worth the effort? Hell yeah, you are!
  • If you’re just beginning to cook, try a recipe that’s more simple or requires less ingredients. Be gentle with yourself, and go at it easy like anything else that’s new to you. 
  • Eating foods that give you more energy can motivate you to get your body moving or start working on projects around the house. 
  • And lastly, the transformation you make with your food will also trickle into a positive transformation within yourself THROUGH the cooking process. Speaking of positive changes, I wrote about how cooking mindfully helped me work through anxiety and depression. You can check it out here.

Ways to Cultivate and Celebrate Through Food

Dinner with my “Biz Besties” last November
  • Introduce yourself to new worldly cuisines. Educate your taste buds and explore new flavors.
  • Understand that you don’t need to get those recipes right the first time. Simply enjoy the process of creating. If the recipe says it’ll take 20 minutes to prepare but it takes you an hour and a half, be okay with that!
  • Identify the foods that make you feel good inside. Take note of the ones that work in real-time: comforting soup when you need warmth or a crispy cold salad when you’ve been in 100-degree weather all day long. Learn about how it nourishes your body. 
  • Appreciate all the work that goes into growing, harvesting, processing, and distributing the food you choose to cook. 
  • Eat with others so you can share in their joy of eating tasty foods. There’s nothing better than creating a community around your table for a lovely meal.

In the end, cooking and eating are all about nourishing yourself. You can do so through your diet, and you can also cultivate self-love by savoring every bite of a meal through mindfulness. Eating is an act of love for ourselves, friends, and family who enjoy what we make. So give yourself some extra TLC to feel better inside and out! Think about one thing that will help you be more mindful of food. Is it a recipe that’ll take time to make, and you’re excited for that alone time in the kitchen? Or is it the appreciation you feel for the nourishment that meal gives you? Be present, my dear. Good things can come from it.

Feature photo by Brooke Lark

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