

What can I say…I am truly a sucker for new year resolutions. Why? I think I get sucked into the whole idea of “starting over” at the beginning of the new year. This particular first day of the new year really hit me like a ton of bricks.

I drifted off to sleep after FaceTiming Brandon on the dot of his central time midnight chime. We made goo-goo eyes at each other and wished one another a Happy New Year. Suddenly, my eyes became heavy so, I quickly slid into a deep sleep toward a dream that was waiting to scramble my mind.

THE DREAM: I had just finished cooking a pot of black-eyed peas. My mother always said it was good luck to eat them on New Year’s Day. I, then, hurriedly got dressed to attend a wedding. As I bent down to fasten my shoe buckle, my nose began to bleed profusely. I stood to see if it had gotten on my dress…sure enough, it was all over my clothes. As I walked to the bathroom, I noticed more blood coming from beneath my dress. Then, I woke up.

Renewal Through Resolutions

Why did I dream of so much blood releasing from my body? It baffled the shit out of me as I made my morning coffee. Rather than thinking it was a sign of losing something, I realized it was a growing vitality, energy, and creativity. Damn…what a beautiful way to feel on the first day of the new year. Call me superstitious but, I just know we are all making our resolution lists.

We are all feeling like LOVING, BEING, and DOING more this year. Having resolutions create a new slate as well as a new starting line. It’s a chance to jot down our little promises to ourselves and see them through. So, let us get this party started!

Make your lists. Or don’t. In a blog post from January 2018, I created a simple list of ideas to start your year. Whether you believe in resolutions or not, be open to growth. Read more, COOK more, send sweet hand-written notes to someone you love, and be mindful. Simply…love.


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