Tag: autumn

Hearty Tuscan Vegetable Soup

Hearty Tuscan Vegetable Soup

This week, I wanted to share a little taste of fall with you.  Eager to see and feel misty evenings creeping into the streets, I have a jump on preparing some pretty tasty plant-based fall recipes like delicious stews, soups, curries, stuffed squashes, savory and…

Divorce Chili

Divorce Chili

My mother always used to say, “For every bad thing that happens, at least three great things come from it.”  For a long time, I thought that was just a phrase to make us all feel better about whatever cards we were dealt.  I’m here…

Take Me To The Fair

Take Me To The Fair

The morning was different the other day.  Most mornings, I open the back door to let Lil’ Rog outside for a piss and to terrorize neighborhood joggers.  And, I do it quickly because I cannot stand the strength and heat of summer’s sunrise stabbing at…