Hello 2018

Hello 2018

For me, 2017 came and went with great moments with loved ones and lots and lots of cooking.  I don’t know about you but, I am ready to do it all over again with the mindset to achieve more.

A new year seems to be the perfect time, in everyone’s mind, to start anew…make that list of resolutions; start that exercise program to shed the destruction from holiday feasting, start saving for that epic summer vacation, quit smoking… yadda yadda ya…after all, it’s the right time to do it along with everyone else so that when you fall away from your resolutions, no one will notice.  It’s a clean slate, January 1st…  It’s a fresh pair of socks right out of the dryer.

Well damnit, I made a list too….but, it’s not just any list.  It needed super long thought, a small moleskine journal, a brand new sexy monthly planner, kick-ass dual brush pen sets, and a large sketchbook for bullet journaling.  Don’t judge………I’m addicted to office supplies!  And while I’m on the subject of bullet journaling, I refuse to believe that it is the new “scrapbooking.” Say that to my face and I’ll punch you in the ear. Not that there is anything wrong with scrapbooking.  I just blame my scrapbooking years (yes, I had them, damnit) on a very turbulent time in my life which is a story to be saved for another blog post….errrrrrr novel. I digress….

Part of me struggled with the idea of acknowledging any changes.  I did not want to give my bad habits any sort of recognition.  That would deem them as having an important yet shameful existence.  For instance, I quit smoking a year ago this month (give or take a few Pall Malls I had bummed off of friends during social gatherings) BUT, I could not tell you the exact date because I did not want to remember it.  I just know it was during the time of grievance on the loss of my beloved David Bowie.  In fact, I’m pretty sure I smoked one last grit in his honor and then threw the rest of the pack in the trash, in his honor.  I did not want to be able to give ‘smoking’ the satisfaction of being important enough to remember the day I quit.  It was, in a way, my 2017 new year resolution and I didn’t even know it.

So yeah, I made this list in my bullet journal….let’s see what I actually begin, what I decide to leave in the ashes, and what I will be okay with acknowledging, “Yeah, I used to…”

-Set weekly intentions

-Do all things with love

-Set realistic goals

-Start doing yoga

-Eat breakfast every morning

-Practice compassionate self-care

-Stop procrastinating

– Learn to love to sweat

-Be more mindful

– Embrace each day

First Recipe of the Year

This recipe is good for everyone to try…even for those who choose not to have resolutions at all.  You never know what sort of epiphany will spark in your mind just from indulging in a few moments of self-care.

1 comfy bed

1 epic mug of coffee

all of your brand new office supplies

Your favorite David Bowie tune playing in the background

Do you even need any fucking directions? I am certain you all know what to do from here…make that list!!! What are your new year resolutions?

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2 thoughts on “Hello 2018”

  • I did 18 for 2018–realistic things that will make me happy during the entire year of 2018. Among my entries: Get a new bed to replace the 30 year old one I have now. Get a new range so I can actually cook at home.
    Get a passport and go to Mexico. Oh yeah, and make 3 scarves for the homeless this year (crochet). Now those things will make my 2018 sing!! HNY!!

    • Those all sound like fantastic resolutions! And yes! Please get yourself a new range, for God’s sake woman! hahaha

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